504 Gateway timeout errors

Hi! Aspose API performance is really bad at the moment, we are receiving timeouts:

Unexpected 504 from aspose client: Reason: Gateway Time-out Contents:

504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out

Can you please look into it?

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Even on the endpoint https://api.aspose.cloud/connect/token
I keep getting 502 and 503 responses.


We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are investigating the issue and will fix it asap.


Please check, it should work now. We have restarted our production SQL server, it was too busy. We are investigating the issue, to avoid this situation in future.

Hi @tilal.ahmad! It’s currently working, indeed.
Would be great to avoid this situation in future. Good luck in investigation!


We have found a problem with our production DB. This week we will launch new versions of micro-services so they will not depend on that DB anymore (only legacy API versions (1.0/1.1/2.0).

So it is recommend to upgrade your SDKs to the latest version of the API.