502 bad gateway response when requesting for storage api

On the 6th of December, we have received 502- bad gateway response when trying to call storage api (http://api.aspose.com/v1.1/storage/file), v1.1. The downtime was for 55 minutes between 7:05 IL time and 7:56. Could you please help us investigate the root cause?


We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We have already found the root cause of the problem and fixed it. It was an AWS hosting issue at our end. The AWS agent was disconnected, and the autoscaling mechanism malfunctioned due to this. As a fix, we updated today to the latest AWS agent version on all machines; now the autoscaling is working fine.

Hello, we are continuing to experience this problem in several different pptx. Can you please share your insight? Why is this problem happens? Do you need any more info from us?


Please use https://api.aspose.cloud uri instead of http://api.aspose.com; it is obsolete now. Secondly, please use the V3.0 version of the Aspose.Slides Cloud API; it includes its own storage method. so you do not need to use Storage API anymore.