500 status, with message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." while converting to PDF

for some time we are observing a large number of internal errros when trying to convert documents (e.g. Word DOCX) to PDF. Do you have a production issue?

Example response we get:
Response code: 500. Response body: {"Error"=>{"Message"=>"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}, "RequestId"=>"7a09537ca372c77776312faf0fe6aa7a"}.

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Can I please get a response on this?
We’re seeing these errors for quite some time now.

Please share your input document for analysis, as it seems to be a document-related issue.

Here is example document that fails to convert:

Presentation-eransabanerkalaora (1).docx (2.1 MB)

Thank you for sharing the document. We will investigate this issue.

Great. We appreciate any update if you had a chance to take a look. We make thousands of conversions daily and on average, half of them are failing.

Can we please get an update on this?

Hi @Cloudinary

We have created a ticket in our internal bug tracking system and have escalated your issue to our developers.

They will analyze it and respond to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your choice of our product.

Is it possible to get an ETA for a fix?

We started a release process, so it will probably be available by the end of this week.

Please keep us updated until this is deployed.
This issue is affecting our customers.

Sure, you will be notified once it is online.

What are chances that changes are deployed by end of the week?

We do our best, but it seems to be online at the beginning of next week.

We will wait then. Are chances that the beginning of the week means today?

Hello, can you share any update?

Sorry for the delay. We are actively working on the release. I believe it will be available very soon.

Can we get an update?

Sorry for the delay. The 24.7 version of API has been released, and the sample document you provided can be successfully converted to PDF.