5个小时前,我们就不能使用API(PDF to Word,PPT等),谁能解决?


@iconcool, 我已将您的主题移至 aspose.cloud 论坛。aspose.cloud相关问题请在forum.aspose.cloud新建话题。

Original topic is here: 5个小时前,我们就不能使用API(PDF to Word,PPT等),谁能解决? - Free Support Forum - aspose.com.



It seems that the bug has been fixed, but this fault does not last for only a few minutes, but more than 10 hours. It is a major accident. Our product cannot work within the last 10 hours. Please find out the cause and hope that similar faults will not occur again


We are truly sorry for the inconvenience. There was an issue with the load balancer of the server. We have fixed the problem and confident that it will not occur again.