400 error code converting USTZ to GLTF

i try to convert usdz model to gltf in Node.JS app. and i have error with authorization.
image.png (37,2 КБ)

My code worked until 25.07. Then i tried to run my code with debug property and i see, that Bearer token is invalid for convert request
image.jpg (83,0 КБ)

But authorization completed without any problem.
What i can do?

We apologize for the issue of Bearer token authentication failure. We are actively investigating and seeking a solution.

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Thank you! I’ll wait for your result


When you need to obtain a bearer token, you can use ‘https://id.aspose.cloud/connect/token’ instead of ‘https://api.aspose.cloud/connect/token’. This approach resolves authentication permission issues.

which approach i can use if i work in Node.JS application and aspose3dcloud package in my code?

image.png (30,5 КБ)

You can refer to my test code:

const { ThreeDCloudApi,postConvertByFormatRequest} = require('aspose3dcloud');

const threeDCloudApi = new ThreeDCloudApi("xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

var req = new postConvertByFormatRequest();
req.name = "Cap.obj";
req.newformat = "usdz";
req.newfilename = "output.usdz";
req.folder = "Test";
req.storage="First Storage";
req.isOverwrite = true;

      .then((result) => {    
        }).catch(function(err) {
        // Deal with an error