How to Compare Two Word Documents for Differences With Insomnia REST Client?

Issue Ticket details.docx (319.5 KB)

Word document comparison works using the online swagger, but does not work when triggered using a REST client (Insomnia). See details in attached document.


> {
> 	"Error": {
> 		"Message": "There is an error in XML document (1, 40).",
> 		"InnerError": {
> 			"Message": "<wordDocument xmlns=''> was not expected."
> 		}
> 	},
> 	"RequestId": "Root=1-62ea89c0-742f668f554bf70f5e0051e9"
> }

Input files for comparison are also attached input (30.7 KB)

Note that the word convert to pdf/html works with the same input files (v4/words/convert?format=pdf&fileNameFieldValue=sourceFilename).

Update: this was a bad request. The order of parameters sent was not correct in my request. When corrected the call from local REST client works fine.

CorrectOrderParams.JPG (18.6 KB)


Thanks for your feedback. It is good to know that you have managed to compare two word documents for differences using Aspose.Words Cloud API With Insomnia REST Client.