Aspose.Words Cloud word count API to support web and mobile

Need a word count API to support web and mobile


You can use statistics API for the purpose on any platform and language supporting REST and provides native REST clients to work with REST APIs. You may also check SDKs for all popular programming languages to integrate Aspose.Words Cloud directly in your application.
A sample cURL code example:

// cURL example to get statistics from Aspose Cloud Storage
curl -X GET "" 
-H "accept: application/json" 
-H "authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]"

  "StatData": {
    "WordCount": 166,
    "ParagraphCount": 12,
    "PageCount": 2,
    "FootnotesStatData": {
      "WordCount": 0,
      "ParagraphCount": 0
    "PageStatData": [
        "PageNumber": 1,
        "WordCount": 133,
        "ParagraphCount": 10
        "PageNumber": 2,
        "WordCount": 33,
        "ParagraphCount": 2
  "DocumentLink": {
    "Href": "02pages.docx",
    "Rel": "self"
  "RequestId": "Root=1-5de90b29-652b1a470c3446034d82e864"