Read / Parse annotation from PDF document issue using Aspose.PDF REST API


we are trying to get name and coordinates of annotations from a pdf, coordinates are working fine but we are getting null in the place of name.
attaching pdf file and response of api call.


100LA Template.pdf (553.0 KB)

100LA Template.pdf (553 KB)
Screenshot from 2021-03-31 10-34-32.png (48.8 KB)


We have noticed the issue and logged a ticket PDFCLOUD-2002 for further investigation. We will notify you as soon as the ticket is resolved.

thankyou @tilal.ahmad

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can i get an update on this issue, its been 10 days and our timeline is getting affected by this, can you please make this a priority , thanks.



We have good news for you. Your above reported issue is resolved and its fix will be available in the upcoming release of Aspose.PDF Cloud. If everything works as per plan then Aspose.PDF Cloud 21.4 will be released by the end of next week.

thankyou @tilal.ahmad

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