Tasks 504 Gateway Time-out / 502 Bad Gateway


Similar to users of other Products, I’m experiencing lots of 504/502s when using the Tasks API. Unfortunately behaviour appears quite random.

Having read some of the other topics I’m confident it’s not an issue with my code.

I’m implementing a simple backoff strategy. Max reties = 5 and wait time doubles from 5 seconds with each retry (i.e. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80):

Here’s what I’m seeing when I try and read 10 individual tasks (by task_uid) from an uploaded .mpp file:

  • Some calls succeeded first time
  • Some calls succeeded second time round after the initial wait period
  • Some calls succeeded third time round after an extended wait period
  • All calls succeed inside the 5 retries

4 out of 10 succeeded first time
1 out of 10 on 1st retry
3 out of 10 on 2nd retry
2 out of 10 on 3rd retry

However, I’ve got 350+ tasks to read so waiting for the 502/504 plus retry and associated backoff time will really add up to an unacceptable amount of time to read the tasks in the file.

The 502/504s do not appear in the logs I have access to through the dashboard.

I really like this product and I’m keen to leverage it in a production environment but I’m concerned by this and the others appearing to experience similar.

Is there an ETA on when a more reliable experience can be expected?

@pdpSupport ,
there were problems with the IT Infrastructure, but the service should be stable now.
Can you check it?

Hi there,

Thanks for your response.

I’m still seeing a mix of 502 & 504s when I try and read the individual tasks. My experience is the same as when I created the support topic. All calls succeed but several experience 502/504 before completing after a number of retries.

I can see from other topics that I’m not the first person to report/experience this. Is there anything else that can be shared for the benefit of the community re. a more substantial fix?

@pdpSupport ,
we are currently working on resolving the issue. We will write back to share the feedback.

i got the same response constantly , is there any methods to resolve it ?

@dongyan ,
the work on fix on our side is in progress.