Aspose.Storage Cloud SDK for PHP uses undefined property

When this problem occured we didn’t get any error messages in our system.

That’s because when it happens, there’s no message property. However, when you check this line you can see that you’re always trying to output message, without checking if it exists:


Please use our revamped Aspose.Storage PHP SDK published at GitHub - aspose-storage-cloud/aspose-storage-cloud-php: A PHP library for communicating with the Aspose.Storage Cloud API GitHub account. Thanks.

@sohail.aspose I’m afraid, but that repo is broken, see my issue here Missing tag for composer · Issue #1 · aspose-storage-cloud/aspose-storage-cloud-php · GitHub


We would like to share an update with you. Please note in latest API Version V3.0 of Aspose.Slides Cloud API we have embedded Storage API methods in the API. Now you do not need anymore Aspose.Storage Cloud API for storage operations while working with the PowerPoint Presentations. Please check following API Methods and Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for PHP for more details.

Storage File manipulation methods

Storage Folder manipulation methods