Request Body Too Large when Trying to Merge Two PPTX Files in PHP

Hi all,

My code sample here:

$file1 = fopen('first.pptx', 'r');
$file2 = fopen('second.pptx', 'r');

$files = [$file1, $file2];
$response = $slidesApi->mergeOnline($files);

One of the pptx file is about 200Mb. and I got the error like:

500 Internal Server Error response: {“requestId”:“3f9b2fba-3100-4597-a49d-8ba28b7c5219”,“error”:{“code”:“internalError”,“message”:“Request body too large.”

So just would like to know what is the size limit and if it can be increased.
If it will help that the source files are located in any storage?


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SLIDESCLOUD-1838

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

The request size is indeed limited to 100 MB. For larger files, you can use the async merge API:

Note: We are going to remove the 100 MB limit for the async API in version 23.12, which will be published in about a week. We will save it for the main API. The limit for the async API was set in error and is intended for complex operations that require significant time. Storing files in storage will help, especially in cases where you are processing the same files multiple times.

Hi Andrey,

Thanks for your reply.
In your email, you mensioned the removal of 100MB limit.

I just tested async merge two files, one is about 40MB, the other is 160MB, but failed with attached error message.
I also tested files around or less than 100MB and were successful.
So in my case, any single file which is larger than 150MB will cause a failture.

Can you please let me know if the size limit is removed? If so what could be the root cause of the error.
It seems I can not found the related error API call from the API log in my dashboard.

image.png (48.2 KB)



We are looking into the issue and will share our findings with you accordingly.

The issues you found earlier (filed as SLIDESCLOUD-1838) have been fixed in Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for PHP 24.1.
You can check all fixes on the Release Notes page.