I am using, asposewordscloud api for NodeJs, and I figure out that the PostReplaceText is not working if I want to replace character like 안녕 by something else like Hey.
Best regards,
For exemple in this doc: TestAspose.docx. With your api I can replace the text Bonjour by Coucou. while I can not replace 안돼 by Coucou.
The result is an empty string.
Best regards
Thank you for your answer.
But after severals test, I am still incurring this issues.
First I am replacing Bonjour by Hello => working.
And then I am replacing the 안돼 by Korean Change.
As you can see on the Image, I attached, your Api return matching. And change it.
But my output document attached as not the remplace words.
I think this is not an issue from my code because I can replace normal text and that also because your api find well the matching.
best regards.
Thank you for your answer.
You will find in the test.zip a file .json.
the json is this one. And I use it to do the request with the asposewordscloud.
“OldValue”: “안돼”,
“NewValue”: “Bonjour”
“file_url”: “9c6b5623708db2bb7a6adf00b6c095d7test1.pdf”
wordsApi.PostReplaceText(file_url, null, null, null, replaceTextRequestBody, (responseMessage) => {
if(responseMessage.code===200) res.status(responseMessage.code).send(“Document has been updated successfully”);
else res.status(responseMessage.code).send(responseMessage);
Best Regards,
Thank you for your answer. I tried with ReplaceText . And yeah it is working. And I make it works with your node wordsApi. (by adding IsMatchCase, IsMatchWholeWord, IsOldValueRegex) funny part is even if they are optional, they seems to be required(only with korean text). (if I put them to true or false it doesn’t matters. they just need to be there).
Now the tricky part is 안돼 is working but 고마워요 not with the nodeApi.
I got a 400 error:
“code”: 400,
“body”: {
“Message”: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
“status”: “Bad Request”,
“error”: null
I know that it is working on your aspose cloud but it’s not on your nodeApi:
And it is an exemple that I wrote:
const formData = {
“OldValue”: “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”,
“NewValue”: “Coucou”,
“IsMatchCase”: true,
“IsMatchWholeWord”: true,
“IsOldValueRegex”: true
wordsApi.PostReplaceText(name, null, null, null, formData, (responseMessage)
will be 400
const url=‘http://api.aspose.cloud/v1.1/words/b729b47c35e6120afc63392fff3d15c2TestAspose.docx/replaceText?appsid=3cfe4a6c-2116-4665-806c-c72ebba2a0f8&signature=2prQmK0jjqSGdYrFnG4Vq1EeG9s’;
will be 200
So do you have any related issue with the nodeApi ?
May I ask you, when this problem could be solve ?
Best regards,
3 posts were split to a new topic: PPTX TextItems with Korean Text issue using Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Node.js