PPT in Azure


We have tried the attached DLL to see if it resolves our issue and continue to receive the Out of Memory Exception with the following stack trace:

at System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHdcInternal(IntPtr hdc)
at System.Drawing.Font.GetHeight()
at System.Drawing.Font.get_Height()
at xdbee2485dd320290.xdd76c95ca663244c.get_x7b5def35c9f1db05()
at xca8760282b42bbab.xfc67d15f6a778211.x972bd890a6ccc01e(Graphics x4b101060f4767186, xdd76c95ca663244c x0886763790d784e4)
at xca8760282b42bbab.xfc67d15f6a778211.x28f9666377a5c53c(Graphics x4b101060f4767186, xdd76c95ca663244c x0886763790d784e4)
at xca8760282b42bbab.xfc67d15f6a778211.x3cf653b662455c70(Graphics x4b101060f4767186, xdd76c95ca663244c x0886763790d784e4, Rectangle& x26545669838eb36e)
at xca8760282b42bbab.x9df292ba4ce0deb4.xb1de1ba20faeeff8(xadd4c32f6c1949e6 xe640ebcce83ddadc)
at xca8760282b42bbab.x9df292ba4ce0deb4.xe406325e56f74b46(xadd4c32f6c1949e6 xe640ebcce83ddadc)
at xca8760282b42bbab.x66d37b2f200606fd.xe406325e56f74b46(xadd4c32f6c1949e6 xe640ebcce83ddadc)
at xdbee2485dd320290.xadd4c32f6c1949e6.xe406325e56f74b46()
at x9d2539cac3622db3.xe8b1095571de92b1.x83e84e1d3bc59160(Chart xe640ebcce83ddadc)
**at Aspose.Cells.Chart.ToImage()**
at Alinean.ROI.Report.ReportChartManager.CreateAsposeChart() in C:\Projects\Client\Alinean\Azure-branch\Alinean.ROI\Alinean.ROI.Report\ReportChartManager.cs:line 152
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.runTryCode(Object userData)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, Object userData)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

We are currently running all of our services in .NET 3.5 framework if that offers help.


If I’m not mistaken that is inside Aspose.Cells. I have marked the line in the stack trace.


So is this something that you can work internally with the Cells folks to get resolved or do we need to take this over to the Cells forum and open a new item there?


Tom Murphy

There is similar problem posted in the Aspose.Cells forum (link). It’s better if you contact Cells team with example there or create new thread.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 16821) have been fixed in this update .

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