Not able to convert excel to pdf

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SUP-5828

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

@wangtao ,

Any update on Issue ID(s): SUP-5828 ?

@seqrdocs ,
A colleague in the platform group is checking this issue. High latency after cloud infrastructure migration to Tyler. I suspect that the high latency is causing the problem you are experiencing, and we are conducting further checks to determine the issue’s specific cause.


Thank you for the update. Please continue to keep us informed.

@seqrdocs ,
We will keep you informed of any information.

@wangtao ,
Again we are facing issue. Please resolve it on priority. Client asking for permanent solution.

@seqrdocs ,
Our colleagues are looking for a better solution.

@wangtao ,
Thanks for response.
Previously sometime it was working and sometime it was giving 500 Internal server error.
But now all the time its showing 500 Internal server error.

@seqrdocs ,
My colleague is working on this, and I’m testing it too. Hopefully, it will be resolved soon.

@seqrdocs ,

My colleague fixed it. Please check if it is normal.

@wangtao ,
Yes I checked, Its working now.
Thanks for your assistance.

@seqrdocs ,
Thank you for using our products.