Mail merge in Microsoft Word Template with arrays of fieldNames and values using Aspose.Words Cloud REST API

Hi, we’re evaluating both Aspose.Words and Aspose Words Cloud.
In Aspose.Words you can perform a mail merge by providing two arrays to the MailMerge.Execute method: an array of fieldNames, and an array of the same size with the corresponding field values.
Is this method also available in Aspose.Words Cloud? If so, how do we submit these two arrays? The api only reads “data”, described as Mail merge data and formatted as formData. But there you need to provide an xml or json structure? Do we have to convert the arrays to xml or json?


Please check the Mail Merge articles given on the Aspose Cloud Documentation, it will make most of the things clear.

cURL Examples given on the articles will particularly help you in understanding the Mail Merge REST APIs.

The api only reads “data”, described as Mail merge data and formatted as formData. But there you need to provide an xml or json structure? Do we have to convert the arrays to xml or json?

Yes, the Merge Merge data will be provided in XML or JSON format.

Moreover, we have written Aspose.Words Cloud SDKs that make really easy to call our REST APIs:


Please note, since Aspose.Words Cloud 19.4 release, we have introduced API Version V4. In this API Version, we joined Mail Merge Template and Mustache Template APIs. Now a single API can be used for both types of templates. Please check the following API methods for more details.

MailMerge API Methods