PPTX to PDF Conversion Text placement issue with Aspose.Slide Cloud API


Problem: Incorrect text placement with pptx to pdf conversion using aspose slides for cloud
Probably cause for incorrectly generated text placement in pdf is slide cloud API seems to be using old DLL for pdf generation: Aspose slides for .net 15.5.0 or at least that is what pdf document properties show. Please update to use latest library.

However latest is 15.7.0 where there are multiple pdf generation fixes after 15.5.0.

15.7.0 pdf fixes:
SLIDESNET-36728 - Incorrect PDF is generated
SLIDESNET-36592 - Generated pdf is appearing blur
SLIDESNET-36143 - Y-Axis values in PDF file are not proper as in PPTX file
SLIDESNET-36570 - Chart legends are improperly rendered in exported PDF and thumbnail
SLIDESNET-36562 - Text missing in Pdf and Html generated from ODP
SLIDESNET-36287 - Horzontal Error Bars are significantly thinner via Aspose PDF export.

15.6.0 pdf fixes:
- SLIDESNET-36563 - Incorrect text alignment in generated PDF
- SLIDESNET-36501 - Chart improperly rendered in exported PDF
- SLIDESNET-36500 - Chart missing in generated PDF
- SLIDESNET-36418 - InvertIfNegative property is not taking effect when rendering to PDF and thumnail
- SLIDESNET-35688 - Chart vertical axis line is missing when converting PPTX to PDF


Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Slides.

I have observed your comments and like to request you to please share with us the source presentation and generated pdf file along with the code which you are using on your end so that I may investigate it further to help you out.

Best Regards,