Handle source files in LaTex to PDF conversion

Is it possible to handle source files in a Latex to PDF conversion? I’m using the following API command

response = api.PutTeXInStorageToPdfWithHttpInfo(pdfFilename, Path.Combine(blobFoldername, filenameToCovert), blobFoldername);

Where the file .tex file contains references to other files such as:


I’ve tried including all of the source files in the same directory as the .tex file. Any other options, suggestions?


We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your sample Latex file along with the referenced files. We will investigate the issue and guide you accordingly.

aspose-latex2pdf.zip (79.4 KB)

@tilal.ahmad In the .zip file, please find main.tex, the referenced source files and the resulting pdf (aspose-latex2pdf-result.pdf.

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