Getting Evaluation only watermark on self-hosted metered license

We’re on a self-hosting license but still getting this watermark. Any workarounds?

Docker command

docker run   --publish 5000:5000   --volume data:/data   --env ASPOSE_PDF_CLOUD_SELFHOST_PUBLIC_KEY=pub_key   --env ASPOSE_PDF_CLOUD_SELFHOST_PRIVATE_KEY=private_key   aspose/pdf-cloud

image.png (5.3 KB)

The info API showing the license is on though

image.png (23.5 KB)

I pulled the latest docker image, still the same.

Please help me out.

Hey guys, we have a pretty tight timeline on an APP we’re building. Please let me know how we can fix this?

It’s really important!

As of now, I tried using the old docker versions but the watermark is still there; am I missing anything, do I need to do something from the dash itself?

We’re back on the latest docker built,

image.png (116.9 KB)

Please share your input document and code sample to reproduce the issue.

Thank you for replying;

Sure, here’s the snippet

import tempfile
import httpx
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import asyncio

def convert_pdf_to_xlsx(input_pdf_path: str) -> Path:
    # Read the input PDF file
    with open(input_pdf_path, "rb") as pdf_file:
        file_content =

    # Prepare the files payload for the API request
    files = {"file": ("input.pdf", file_content, "application/pdf")}

    headers = {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "application/pdf",
    params = {
        "insertBlankColumnAtFirst": "false",
        "minimizeTheNumberOfWorksheets": "true",
        "uniformWorksheets": "false",

    # Use an asynchronous HTTP client to send the request to the PDF-to-Excel API
    async def fetch_pdf_to_excel():
        async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
                response = await
                response.raise_for_status()  # Raises an error for 4xx/5xx responses
                return response.content
            except httpx.RequestError as exc:
                raise Exception(f"Request error: {str(exc)}")
            except httpx.HTTPStatusError as exc:
                raise Exception(f"HTTP error: {response.text}")

    # Execute the async function to fetch the conversion result
    excel_content =

    # Create a temporary file to store the Excel data
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".xlsx", delete=False) as temp_file:
        temp_file_path = Path(

    # Return the path of the temporary Excel file
    return temp_file_path

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_pdf_path = "f1040.pdf"
    output_excel_path = convert_pdf_to_xlsx(input_pdf_path)
    print(f"Converted Excel file saved at: {output_excel_path}")

The watermark is coming on any file I test with; I’m attaching a sample file and an image of the after.

f1040.pdf (157.0 KB)
image.png (87.2 KB)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFCLOUD-4539

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Can we expect a timeline on this @kirill.novinskiy ?

We’re kind of on a deadline.

The issue will be solved early next week.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFCLOUD-4539) have been fixed in this version 24.11. Please update docker image.