Convert Microsoft Word to PDF in Flutter

Hi. I have flutter code like:
void convertToPdf(String file,String name,String ext)async{
var configuration = Configuration(’, ‘’);
var wordsApi = WordsApi(configuration);

var localFileContent = await (File(file).readAsBytes());
var uploadRequest = UploadFileRequest(ByteData.view(localFileContent.buffer), 'fileStoredInCloud.docx');

final res = await wordsApi.uploadFile(uploadRequest);

var saveOptionsData = SaveOptionsData()
  ..saveFormat = 'pdf'
  ..fileName = '${authInstance.currentUser.uid}/${name}.pdf';
var saveAsRequest = SaveAsRequest('fileStoredInCloud.docx', saveOptionsData);
final res2 = await wordsApi.saveAs(saveAsRequest);


But how i can get converted pdf file from your server with flutter SDK. And how i can get total pages of converted PDF file?


Please check the following download file unit test from GitHub. It will help you to accomplish the task.

You need to use GetDocumentStatistics API method and need to read PageCount property from response for the purpose.

Thank you. But how i can do the same with MS Exel file?


Please create a new post with your exact requirements for MS Excel format in Aspose.Cells Cloud forum.