Convert Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet to PDF in Java issue using Aspose.Cells REST API

Hi Chien,

Thank you for contacting us back. I have requested the concerned member of my team to investigate the matter and get back with updates in this regard.

Hi again,

First of all, please accept our apologies for a bit delayed response.


I still got errors about uploading files and converting files to Aspose server in 02/May/2016 and 04/May/2016 as following :
+ 02/May/2016 : from 06:17 AM to 06:26 AM GMT+07 (20 cases of "upload fail", 10 cases of "can't save excel to pdf" )
+ 04/May/2016 at 12:24 PM GMT+07 ( 1 case of upload fail )
What's wrong with Aspose's Server on above time ?

Regarding your concerns as quoted above, we have checked your service logs, however, we are not able to find any failures. Could you please confirm which account you were using when you faced the said issue?

Hi Babar,

I’m using the AppsID : FEBD886E-B9DC-4514-9DEB-73F48F81DC71.


Hi Chien,

Thank you for sharing the AppsId. I have forwarded this information to the concerned member of my team to re-investigate the matter. As soon as we get further updates, we will post here for your kind reference.

Hi again,

We have investigated the matter, however, we can only see a few service failures for your account. These failures were due to the reason that you were trying to download some missing files from Amazon, and were not caused due to the service outage on our side.

Hi Aspose’s Support,

I still have upload errors to Aspose’s server today (07-June), in following time ranges :
+ 02:13 -> 02:14 AM GMT+07 (4 errors)
+ 03:27 -> 03:37 AM GMT+07 (189 errors)

My AppsID : FEBD886E-B9DC-4514-9DEB-73F48F81DC71.


Hi Chien,

Thank you for contacting Aspose support.

I have requested the concerned team member to investigate the matter and post the results here for your kind reference. We will shortly get back to you with information in this regard.

Hi Babar,

Do you have any updates on this ?


Hi Chien,

I have checked, the investigation of the said issue is currently in progress. We will post our findings here as soon as we have the analysis results.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Chien,

This is to update you that we have looked into your logs for the mentioned time duration and we can see only 7 requests failed. All of these request were failed because you were trying to download files that were not present on the storage.

For your future reference, please note that there are 2 types of issues as listed below.

  1. If there is some issue with the request (request is not properly formed), or there is some network problem, request will not be entertained by the Aspose servers. Therefore, any HTTP error will not be recorded in the logs and we cannot tell why the request failed at your end.
  2. In case the request is properly formed and there isn’t any network problem then the request will be received at Aspose servers and recorded. We can track such requests and their failure cause.

In this case, the requests (apart from what stated above) were not received at Aspose servers and we are not in a position to tell what went wrong. It could be a network problem or some HTTP issue with the request.

Moreover, you can check your logs yourself by using the USAGE API. Please check the articles under this section for more details in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SAASCELLS-157) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.


Did you have any changes in your cloud services yesterday?
We were getting this issue again from 13:00 to 24:00 Nov 21.
This is a serious problem as our services totally is usable to our customers.
Please let me know what happened.


Hi all,

Here is the details of error issue :
+ Error in uploading excel template to Aspose’s Server (about 3186 requests)
+ Response data getting from Aspose’s Server after uploading fail : []
+ Affected time : from 01:16 PM UTC to 02:46 PM of date : 21/Nov/2016


Hi Tuan & Chien,

We are sorry to know that you have experienced problems with Aspose Cloud service. I have forwarded your concerns to the respective team members for investigation. As soon as we have completed the preliminary analysis, we will post the results here for your reference.

Hi again,

First of all, please note that the said issue has already been resolved, however, the cause is still under investigation. Our preliminary analysis revealed that there was a problem with the load balancer at Amazon, for some reason we don’t know yet. We are currently investigating the matter, and we will keep you posted with updates in this regard.

Thanks for updates.
Please let us know what happened and how to prevent this not happening again in future.


Hi Tuan,

Thank you for writing back. As per initial investigation the problem was caused by Amazon’s load balancer. We are investigating the incident further, and we will post the details here as soon as the investigation is complete.


Is it that there are some changes/updates just made to your cloud services?
I am being reported from our customers some issues related to the page break settings.
I will get more information about these issues but could you confirm if there are some changes just happened in the live services?


Hi Tuan,

Thank you for contacting Aspose support.

I am afraid, I am not aware of any changes made to the live cloud service which could have caused the change in the behaviour for the page break settings. I have requested the concerned member of the product team to investigate the matter and share the findings. By the way, it would be of great help in understanding the presented scenario, and to isolate the problem cause, if you can share a sample spreadsheet along with code snippets to demonstrate the issue.

Hi again,

This to update you that I have discussed your concerns with the product team. Please note that we have recently made changes to the JSON formatter serializer, which caused the converter options to be invalid and therefore caused the issue of unwanted page breaks while rendering spreadsheets to PDF. The said issue was immediately identified and corrected therefore you should not be experiencing the problem any more. In case you are still facing any such problem, please share the sample spreadsheet and code snippet to replicate the problem. That said, we are currently working to enhance our test cases in order to avoid such situations in future.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.