Find and Replace PDF Text in Bigger Size Files Not Working in Aspose.PDF REST API

Hi , Iam using the copying and update pdf api call from aspose. The problem is if the pdf size is about 30 mb it returns me “no response from the server”. it works fine for the pdf of size 20 mb or less then 25 mb. My question is , can we solve this by going on paid plan ?

We tested this on : Aspose.Pdf Cloud - API References
The file gets uploaded but the the update call doesn’t work as the size of the pdf is too big (greater then 25 mb)
it return 200 but the text is not change.


Kindly share your sample code along with the PDF document to find and replace PDF text. We will investigate the issue and guide you accordingly.

Please note that there is no difference in features between the free trial plan and the paid plan. The free plan’s only limitation is 150 free monthly API calls.

P.S: You can share your PDF document using free file sharing service.

Hi here is the link of the file I am trying to update
Link :

Here is my payload
“TextReplaces”: [
“OldValue”: “<old_val_1>”,
“NewValue”: “<new_val_1>”,
“Regex”: true,
“CenterTextHorizontally”: true,
“TextState”: {
“FontFile”: “<filename_1>”
“OldValue”: “<old_val_2>”,
“NewValue”: “<new_val_2>”,
“Regex”: true,
“CenterTextHorizontally”: true,
“TextState”: {
“FontFile”: “<filename_2>”

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFCLOUD-3442

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

@tilal.ahmad Any updates Regarding this issue ?


We have recently logged the issue, which is pending for investigation in the queue. We will share an update/ETA with you as soon as issue investigation is completed.

@tilal.ahmad Thanks.

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We have completed our initial investigation and found an issue in Aspose.PDF for .NET; parent API of Aspose.PDF Cloud. The issue will be fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET and later fix will be imported in Aspose.PDF Cloud. We will notify you as soon as the issue is resolved.

@tilal.ahmad Thanks,Can you please confirm me how long it will take to be fixed?


I am afraid we can not share any ETA at the moment. We have set the Aspose.PDF for .NET issue priority to high and will share an ETA with you as soon as the investigation concludes.

@tilal.ahmad any updates regarding this issue ?


The issue is still not fixed. We noticed that the content of your shared file causes a serious performance issue. This is also observed when opening this file in Acrobat Reader. As a workaround, we recommend splitting the file and trying to process it piece by piece.

@tilal.ahmad Thank you for the reply, Can you please confirm me is the status of this issue is still open ? Are you going to fix this?


Yes, we are working on the actual issue and will notify you as soon as it is fixed.

@tilal.ahmad any updates on this issue.


Though we have improved the memory usage in text replacement, but the reported issue is still not completely resolved. We will update you as soon as we completely fix the problem.

@tilal.ahmad any updates on this issue ?


I am afraid the issue is still not resolved, the issue resolution is more complicated that expected.

@tilal.ahmad Any updates on the issue ?


I am afraid we can not share any ETA at the moment. It seems the file is problematic. It contains a huge amount of vector graphics. This file is very slow, even in Acrobat (try it yourself). At the moment we have managed to slightly optimize the work with it. But still it takes huge memory in processing and is difficult to process it in a cloud solution.