How to add Bookmark in PDF document in Nodejs using Aspose.PDF REST API

I am trying to use the NodeJS PDF library to add a bookmark to a file. I am confused by what bookmarkPath is. Let’s say I wanted to add a bookmark on page 5 of a document in my default storage called “test.pdf”. What would this attribute be?

When I put a page number in as the bookmarkPath value, I get this:

Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the bookmarks count.

So what does bookmarkPath mean, and what value do I need to insert?


We are sorry for your inconvenience. We have noticed the reported issue and logged a ticket PDFCLOUD-1452 for further investigation and rectification. We will notify you as soon as the issue is resolved.

Thanks - while you’e fixing it, could you explain what bookmarkPath actually means? I can’t find any reference to it elsewhere as to what it actually means…


Thanks for your feedback. I’m checking your query and will share the details shortly.


Please note, in reference to PDFCLOUD-1452, the bookmarkPath parameter points to the parent bookmark in the bookmark tree. If you want to add a bookmark to the root, you must specify an empty string as the path.